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This dataset contains a polygon of the active floodplain along the German, freeflowing parts of the River Rhine from the weir Iffezheim to the Dutch border in the coordinate reference system ETRS 1989 UTM 32N.

Originally, this polygon was produced for the floodplain status report (Auenzustandsbericht; Brunotte et al. (2009), Bundesamt für Naturschutz (2009)) at a scale of 1:25,000. For hydflood it was updated with recent flood protection measures and manually improved with recent digital elevation models and aerial images at a scale of < 1:10,000.




A sf containing 1 polygon


Brunotte E, Dister E, Günther-Diringer D, Koenzen U, Mehl D (2009). “Flussauen in Deutschland - Erfassung und Beurteilung des Auenzustandes.”

Brunotte E, Dister E, Günther-Diringer D, Koenzen U, Mehl D (2009). “Zustand der rezenten Flussauen in Deutschland - Geodaten.”

Bundesamt für Naturschutz (2009). “Zustand der rezenten Flussauen in Deutschland.”

See also