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This function is a wrapper to the function classify to convert flood durations computed with flood3 into potential natural vegetation (PNV) distributions using reclassification rules supplied with df.pnv. Alternative reclassification rules may be applied, but they must match column names and types as given by df.pnv. classify is called with include.lowest = TRUE and right = FALSE.


classifyToPNV(x, rcl = NULL, filename = "", ...)



argument of type SpatRaster.


optional argument of type data.frame with columns and column types as specified in df.pnv.


supplies an optional output filename of type character.


additional arguments as for writeRaster.


SpatRaster object containing potential natural vegetation distribution as categorical raster.


Ochs K, Egger G, Weber A, Ferreira T, Householder JE, Schneider M (2020). “The potential natural vegetation of large river floodplains – From dynamic to static equilibrium.” Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 30, 71-81. doi:10.1016/j.jher.2020.01.005 .

See also


# \donttest{
  # deactivated, since it's very time-consuming
  if (FALSE) {
    cache <- tempdir()
    options("hyd1d.datadir" = cache)
    options("hydflood.datadir" = cache)
    options("timeout" = 200)
    # import the raster data and create a raster stack
    c <- st_crs("EPSG:25833")
    e <- ext(309000, 310000, 5749000, 5750000)
    x <- hydSpatRaster(ext = e, crs = c)
    # create a temporal sequence
    seq <- seq(as.Date("2016-01-01"), as.Date("2016-12-31"), by = "day")
    # compute a flood duration
    fd <- flood3(x = x, seq = seq)
    # reclassify to PNV
    pnv <- classifyToPNV(fd)
    # plot pnv map
# }